Building Students... One Robot At A Time
As a sponsor, you can help offer a fantastic opportunity for a unique group of students to excel in all the areas that robotics encompasses – science (physics, electronics, and metals), math, technology, communications, and programming. We are committed to offering area youth the opportunity to participate in FIRST robotics but in order to maintain this exceptional program, we need financial support. Additionally, we are always looking to improve our facility with equipment and tools. We hope you will help our small town team make a big impact!
State of Michigan FIRST Grant
Suttons Bay Fund
Activity Board |
Suttons Bay-Bingham
Foundation |
2019 Sponsors
Thank you for your support in the past
Thank you for your support in the past
State of Michigan FIRST Grant
Lean Institute
Insight Optometry
Title VII
The Painted Bird
Don & Ann Gregory
VonHolt Farms
Bay Books
Vicky Oltersdorf
Patrick McCool |
Andrea Becker
Stony Point Farms |
Bill & Peg Klein
Suttons Pointe Insight Radio Shack
Farms Optometry of Suttons Bay
Farms Optometry of Suttons Bay
Larry and Barbara Lois Bahle and Margo Behler
Graves Larry Mawby
Graves Larry Mawby
Mary Tonneberger Steve and Margaret Dave and Patricia
Hall Barrons
Hall Barrons
Andrea Seeley Premonitions Pizza and Arcade

Brian and Teresa Edwards Home
Duddles Furniture
Duddles Furniture
Rick Simonton