At each competition, 15 judges pay close attention to all the teams as they compete, and spend time chatting with each team in the pit area about not just their robot function and design, but also their team.
If they are particularly impressed with certain aspects of a team - anything from innovation to presentation to team spirit - a team may be given one of the many awards created by FIRST. Receiving one is a great honor, since all awards are not given out and all participating teams do not receive one.
If they are particularly impressed with certain aspects of a team - anything from innovation to presentation to team spirit - a team may be given one of the many awards created by FIRST. Receiving one is a great honor, since all awards are not given out and all participating teams do not receive one.
Our awards to date:
Michigan State Championship, APTIV Division
JUDGES AWARD - Traverse City District Competition
During the course of the competition, the judging panel may decide a team’s unique efforts, performance, or dynamics merit recognition.
2021 (Virtual Competition Year)
135th out of 1412 Teams from across the globe and 22nd out of 272 Teams from Michigan (top 10%)
EXCELLENCE IN ENGINEERING AWARD - Traverse City District Competition
Award sponsored by Delphi: Celebrates an elegant and advantageous machine feature. The team that wins this award must be able to describe as well as demonstrate the chosen machine feature.
Participant - FIRST Robotics World Championship, Detroit MI
#4 SEED ALLIANCE - Michigan State Championship, Consumers Energy Division
FINALIST - St. Joseph District Competition
Celebrates the Alliance that makes it to the final match of the competition.
TEAM SPIRIT AWARD - St. Joseph District Competition
Award sponsored by Fiat Chrysler: Celebrates extraordinary enthusiasm and spirit through exceptional partnership and teamwork furthering the objectives of FIRST.
WINNER - Traverse City District Competition
Celebrates the Alliance that wins the competition.
EXCELLENCE IN ENGINEERING AWARD - Traverse City District Competition
Award sponsored by Delphi: Celebrates an elegant and advantageous machine feature. The team that wins this award must be able to describe as well as demonstrate the chosen machine feature.
INNOVATION IN CONTROL AWARD - Traverse City District Competition
Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation: Celebrates an innovative control system or application of control components – electrical, mechanical, or software – to provide unique machine functions.
Michigan State Championship, DTE Energy Foundation Division
JUDGES AWARD - Michigan State Championship, DTE Energy Foundation Division
During the course of the competition, the judging panel may decide a team’s unique efforts, performance, or dynamics merit recognition.
GRACIOUS PROFESSIONALISM AWARD - Traverse City District Competition
Award sponsored by Johnson and Johnson: Celebrates the team that exemplifies the core values of FIRST in their relationships with other teams and by their demonstrated Gracious Professionalism®
CREATIVITY AWARD - St. Joseph District Competition
Celebrates creativity in design, use of components, or unique strategy of play.
FINALIST - World Championship, Carson Sub-Division, St Louis, MO
Celebrates the Alliance that makes it to the final match of competition.
Michigan State Championship
WINNER - Traverse City District Competition
Celebrates the alliance that wins the competition.
QUALITY AWARD - Traverse City District Competition
Quality Award sponsored by Motorola Solutions Foundation celebrates machine robustness in concept and fabrication.
FINALIST - St. Joseph District Competition
Celebrates the Alliance that makes it to the final match of competition.
EXCELLENCE IN ENGINEERING AWARD - St. Joseph District Competition
Award sponsored by Delphi: Celebrates an elegant and advantageous machine feature. The team that wins this award must be able to describe as well as demonstrate the chosen machine feature.
FIRST Robotics World Championship, Hopper Division
Michigan State Championship
GRACIOUS PROFESSIONALISM AWARD - St. Joseph District Competition
Award sponsored by Johnson and Johnson: Celebrates the team that exemplifies the core values of FIRST in their relationships with other teams and by their demonstrated Gracious Professionalism®
FINALIST – Traverse City District Competition
Celebrates the Alliance that makes it to the final match of the competition.
IMAGERY AWARD - Traverse City District Competition
In honor of Jack Kamen, Dean’s father, for his dedication to art and illustration and his devotion to FIRST. This award celebrates attractiveness in engineering and outstanding visual aesthetic integration of machine and team appearance
Michigan State Championship
FINALIST – Traverse City District Competition
Finalist: Celebrates the Alliance that makes it to the final match of the competition.
INDUSTRIAL DESIGN AWARD – Traverse City District Competition
Award sponsored by General Motors: Celebrates form and function in an efficiently designed machine that effectively addresses the game challenge.
INNOVATION IN CONTROL AWARD – Howell District Competition
Award Sponsored by Rockwell Automation: Celebrates an innovative control system or application of control components – electrical, mechanical, or software – to provide unique machine functions.
RESPECT AWARD – Howell District Competition
You continuously strive to improve yourselves and learn from other teams. For embodying the spirit of First, you have earned our utmost RESPECT!
2 Medals – Howell District Competition
For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology
Michigan State Championship
Award sponsored by Delphi: Celebrates an elegant and advantageous machine feature. The team that wins this award must be able to describe as well as demonstrate the chosen machine feature.
Award sponsored by General Motors: Celebrates form and function in an efficiently designed machine that effectively addresses the game challenge.
Michigan State Championship
HIGHEST ROOKIE SEED AWARD – Traverse City District Event
Celebrates the highest-seeded rookie team at the conclusion of the qualifying rounds.